M-Root DNS Server

Since 1997 -

When you access a resource in the Internet, you specify it by its Domain Name such as networkmedia.kmd.keio.ac.jp. DNS is a function implemented in the Internet to translate the resource name into its IP addresses and other information. Root DNS is a pivot in the DNS lookup, and one of the 13 Root DNS server, M-Root, has been operational since 1997 as WIDE Project and since 2005, jointly with JPRS.

Recently, APNIC may help us to developy small Anycast node in Asia Pacific region. While the operation of M-Root is not a subject for a research, it is still unclear how the additional installation of a Root DNS server may improve the Internet environment. This work include a keyword of DNS, but actually it requires analysis of routing system in the Internet.

See https://m.root-servers.org/